With the growing severity of tropical storms, those living in hurricane-prone areas of Florida understand the importance of having a reliable backup power source. Electricity loss often lasts days after hurricanes hit, leaving families vulnerable without amenities like cooling, lighting, refrigeration, and device charging. Investing in suitable generators for hurricane season helps maintain these necessities when outages hit.

Evaluating emergency backup power stations requires understanding how gas generators perform during hurricanes. Read on to discover their benefits as well as the pros and cons of standby and portable generators to decide the right option for your needs.

Benefits of Fuel-Powered Generators

  • Supply Steady Power When You Need It Most

Fuel-powered generators offer robust, uninterrupted energy, rain or shine. With ample gasoline or propane reserves, they withstand weather fluctuations to give:

    • Continuous refrigeration, heating/cooling, and power for critical medical devices
    • Extended runtimes to supply households for days or weeks
    • Sufficient wattage for high-demand appliances like pumps and freezers
    • Investing in a standby whole-house or portable gas generator means dependable backup power during unpredictable hurricane conditions.
  • Built to Endure Extreme Weather Conditions

From flooding to gale-force winds, hurricanes rigorously test generators. Leading brands engineer gas-fueled models to:

    • Operate safely amid storms, floods, and winds up to 150mph
    • Run smoothly despite salty, humid coastal air causing corrosion
    • Handle sustained usage without expensive repairs or maintenance
    • Rugged, weatherproof gas generators provide confidence you’ll have electricity no matter the conditions.
  • Offer Energy Independence

Gas and propane store easily onsite electricity when you need it. Solar energy depends on sunlight, which provides a steady supply despite weather whims.

Gas Generator Models: Which is Right for You?

Portable Generators

  • Pros:
    • Compact and affordable
    • Easy mobility to power essentials anywhere
    • Simple refueling extends runtimes
    • Backup electricity for fridges, freezers, medical devices, etc.
  • Cons:
    • Limited wattage for a few small devices
    • Manual start-up and refueling
    • Gas supply requires ongoing management

Standby Home Generators

  • Pros:
    • Entire-home coverage during outages
    • Automatic backup power starts within seconds
    • Enough wattage for all household necessities
    • Multi-day runtimes from large fuel tanks
  • Cons:
    • High upfront costs
    • Permanent outdoor installation
    • Routine maintenance requirements
    • Bulk fuel delivery/storage logistics

Choose the Best Generator for Hurricane Preparedness

Start securing household energy independence this hurricane season with a reliable, fuel-powered generator. They supply consistent backup electricity from ample gasoline or diesel reserves when grid power fails due to storms.

Let Vintage Electric help assess your residential or commercial property’s needs in choosing the ideal model to maintain power through outages. We provide generator installation services in Gainesville and other hurricane-prone areas across Florida.

For low-lying areas, we install stands to raise generators above flood levels and install them securely to pads rated for 135mph winds or higher. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.