As hurricane season arrives, Florida business owners must prepare for potential power outages that could disrupt operations. A backup generator helps prevent revenue losses, but only if maintained properly. By following generator care best practices and leveraging professional technicians, you can maintain operations if severe storms cut electricity.

Continue reading to discover helpful ways to ensure your commercial generators can withstand extended hurricane-related outages.

Recommended Practices to Maintain Commercial Generators
1. Schedule Preventative Care
Diesel or gas-powered generators have several components that require regular service for optimal performance. Reliably sustaining emergency generator readiness requires technicians to establish performance baselines under normal conditions. Noticing subtle early changes like leaks or odd noises allows issues to be corrected before causing failure when uptime is critical. Preventative care identifies problems early.

Here are some essential tasks to sustain readiness:

  • Check fluid levels and tension weekly to catch minor issues
  • Replace filters per specifications to prevent contamination
  • Verify capacity via annual load tests to expose weaknesses

2. Follow Safety and Compliance Standards
Generator systems involve uniquely complex interactions between mechanical and electrical components. Keeping strict regulatory compliance requires continual learning as codes rapidly evolve. By working with certified technicians and staying up-to-date on changing rules, facilities ensure their generators remain compliant for years.

Businesses can meet evolving requirements through:

  • Adhering to all published National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and equipment standards
  • Hiring properly licensed technicians

3. Perform Post-Storm Re-Inspection
Extreme storm conditions strain generators beyond normal loads, potentially causing underlying issues not revealed through routine testing. For example, storm debris could puncture exhaust systems, vibration can loosen fasteners, or wind pressures can damage peripherals. Verifying complete system integrity is essential.

Technicians can assess damage via:

  • Complete re-inspection for new issues after heavy use
  • Test oil samples and replace them if moisture is present
  • Examine belts for damage and re-tension as needed

4. Leverage Professional Services
Specialized technicians have extensive diagnostic experience, right-sized parts/tools, and expert training on rapidly advancing generator technologies. This enables quick restoration after catastrophes.

It is recommended to:

  • Engage experienced commercial generator experts
  • Ensure prompt access to parts inventories and technical capabilities

Keep Your Business Powered Through Hurricane Season
Don’t wait until a hurricane appears on the horizon to service your generators. By scheduling electrical maintenance services with qualified technicians, you can optimize backup power reliability proactively. Contact the experts at Vintage Electric today to ensure your generators stay resilient through hurricane-related outages.