How would you know if you have an electrical emergency at home? You may think that the only time to call in expert electricians is when there’s a power outage or you see electrical sparks. However, there are also other major signs that are just as alarming. Read on to learn more about what these are.

Overheated Service Panels

When your service panels are hot to the touch, it is an indicator of an urgent electrical problem. This happens when your service panel is overloaded due to extremely strong currents moving through it. Even without touching your service panels, you can tell that there’s an issue with them when you notice other problems such as discoloration around the panel, and flickering and dimming of lights at home.

Burning Smell

Another major sign of an electrical emergency is the smell of something burning. When you smell this odor coming from your outlets and appliances, it could be because of improperly installed or exposed wires, or an overload in the circuit.

When this happens, unplug all appliances connected to the outlet and call an electrician right away. Additionally, make sure not to use the outlet until it gets repaired or replaced by professionals.

Carbon Monoxide Leak

A carbon monoxide leak happens when appliances are poorly installed or ventilated. When this goes unresolved, it can be dangerous to your health; you could experience carbon monoxide poisoning. Symptoms of this include dizziness, vomiting, headaches, and shortness of breath.

To ensure your safety, make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector at home. This device will notify you when carbon monoxide is present in your home. If you don’t have one, however, there are signs that you could watch out for such as brownish-yellow stains around electrical appliances. When you spot these, leave your house immediately and contact a trusted electrical company to take care of them.

Get Emergency Electrical Services With Vintage Electric

Are you experiencing electrical emergencies at home? Contact professionals at Vintage Electric immediately. We are a team of electricians that provides electrical repairs to residential and commercial clients in Gainesville, FL. Protect your home and your safety by getting expert assistance as soon as you notice any of the mentioned signs above.